First Post

As this is my first post I am going to explain what my blog is about. The blog is for anyone who is against animal cruelty. There will be petitions to sign, donations and fundraisers, as well as stories about animals that may or may not have managed to find homes.

Animals are being abused everyday. An example would be puppy mills. Animals shouldn’t be shoved into cramped areas, they should have room to move around. Puppy mills is only one of the problems though. Kill shelters are also a problem. When an animal can’t get adopted they kill it. One way to think about it is think of animals like people. After all they have feelings like people and they pretty much act like people. Anyway we don’t like shoving people or children into dark cramped areas. What if we killed children whenever they don’t get adopted? It’s just not right. It isn’t the animals’ fault that it can’t get adopted. A solution would be to take animals to non-kill shelters where they hold onto the animal until it gets a home. Then there is fostering. People can take care of animals temporarily until it gets a permanent home. Puppy mills can have bigger areas for them to run around. Cages don’t need to be almost as big as the animal. Pretty much in order to stop cruelty to animals the puppy mills and kill shelters need to realize that they aren’t needed anymore. If people would stop taking animals to these places then it won’t be a problem.

I’ll be posting more on here with websites for petitions and such.